Top 3 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be NMSDC-Certified
“When you become NMSDC-certified, doors begin to open up.” The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) serves as a growth engine for certified minority-owned businesses, creating opportunities to connect MBEs with corporate members from some of America’s largest companies. The NMSDC Network encompasses 23 regional affiliates nationwide, including the Eastern Minority Supplier Development Council (EMSDC), which covers Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware. Together, these councils are the backbone of NMSDC’s gold standard certification program, working in the field locally to ensure Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native American-owned businesses in the US reach their full potential. So, why should you join the 15,000+ MBEs certified through NMSDC?
Making a Difference for Decades
Founded in 1972, NMSDC is the “longest-operating business growth engine for the broadest group of systematically excluded communities of color.” In the 2022 Minority Business Economic Report, NMSDC notes that, “Our success is historic and unmatched with 15,000+ MBEs connected to 1,700+ corporations, resulting in $482.1 billion in economic output annually, sustaining 1.8 million jobs, with $136.4 billion in total wages earned.”
A Pathway to Success
From matchmaking events with corporations that value the innovative solutions diverse businesses bring to their supply chains, to our annual Conference and Exchange and regional Choice Awards, our targeted opportunities and events provide a pathway to business growth and success. We even have programs that support emerging young entrepreneurs! When you become NMSDC-certified, you can take advantage of our expertise, resources, and connections.
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
NMSDC councils know that entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities face challenges in accessing the necessary funding to start, grow, and sustain their businesses. Therefore, our work is about correcting the unequal access to wealth-building opportunities. To quote NMSDC, “It’s about upward mobility for the emerging majority of Americans, an equal shot at participating in the American experiment of free-market capitalism and entrepreneurship.”
In addition to increased exposure, access to educational programs and business development opportunities, and the ability to form partnering relationships, strategic alliances, and joint ventures, NMSDC has created capital access opportunities for certified MBEs in an effort to increase supplier diversity. Our vision is to be the leading organization for driving socioeconomic equity and generational wealth in communities of color, because we believe that closing that wealth gap is “the key to creating a more united and prosperous society for all.”
If you want to learn more about how to get NMSDC certified, click here to register for an upcoming hour-long webinar that covers everything you need to know. Ready to apply? Click here to begin the application. And be sure to follow our blog for additional information!
The mission of the Eastern Minority Supplier Development Council (EMSDC) is to stimulate and support economic development with minority-owned businesses throughout Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware, in an effort to initiate growth and opportunity through Supplier Diversity channels. As an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), we certify and connect MBEs with member corporations that are committed to supplier development and want to purchase their products, services, and solutions.