What To Do When You’re Newly NMSDC-Certified
Now that you know how to get NMSDC-certified as a minority business owner, and why you should be NMSDC-certified, what comes next? In our recent blog series, we shared that, “When you become NMSDC-certified, doors begin to open up.” If you recently filled out an application or have completed the certification process through The Eastern Minority Supplier Development Council (EMSDC), which serves Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware, it is time to fully grasp the amazing benefits that come with being an NMSDC-certified MBE!
These benefits include access to capital and capacity building, unique networking opportunities, and a means to stand out from competitors, according to DIVERSITYCOMM, publisher of six national diversity publications, including Black EOE Journal, Hispanic Network Magazine, Professional Woman’s Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine and DIVERSEability Magazine. In a 2023 article titled “NMSDC: The Certification Every Minority-Owned Business Enterprise Needs,” diversitycomm.net reported that, “If your company wants to connect with America’s top publicly-owned, privately-owned, foreign-owned corporations, and other large purchasing organizations, National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)’s certification can be a real asset. The organization has an impressive list of corporate members that includes IBM, Microsoft, and Google. The council helps these companies connect with the more than 15,000 minority-owned suppliers in its database. Seventeen states and 25 cities also accept NMSDC certification for programs designed to help minorities win public-sector contracts.”
You’re Certified, What’s Next?
If you are a newly-certified MBE (or even if you’ve been with us for a while), we invite you to join us for one of EMSDC’s monthly webinars and learn how to take full advantage of your certification. As an MBE, your company is in a unique position to promote and market your products/services to prospective corporate buyers who are looking to build relationships with trusted MBE firms. Upcoming webinars will be held on the second Thursday of each month (April 11 and May 9, 2024), from 1-1:45PM, and more dates will be added in 2024. Best of all, this webinar is free and held online, so you can conveniently participate from the comfort of your office or home!
Participants will learn:
- Tips on pitching to corporate members
- How to leverage your MBE Certification
- Council resources available to you
There will also be time set aside for questions. For more information and to register for an upcoming webinar, click here, or contact Alea Bunch, EMSDC Director of MBE Services, at 215-569-1005 or abunch@emsdc.org. And to learn more about the benefits, criteria, and certification process as an Asian-, Black-, Hispanic-, or Native American-owned business in Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, or Delaware, click here.
The mission of the Eastern Minority Supplier Development Council (EMSDC) is to stimulate and support economic development with minority-owned businesses throughout Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware, in an effort to initiate growth and opportunity through Supplier Diversity channels. As an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), we certify and connect MBEs with member corporations that are committed to supplier development and want to purchase their products, services, and solutions.